relevant = dibujo:ctmrbjnu_dg= masha y el oso, dibujo:9we2eo7-rpw= revolucion mexicana, dibujo:g20afn-j-8g= baby shark, dibujo:bh2dwmruxqy= árbol de navidad, dibujo:0rnracgzi4o= independencia de mexico, dibujo:c20vbchtspq= jack skellington, dibujo:h2y4_oymok0= hello kitty, dibujo:crelzopgj1y= reyes magos, dibujo:tp_nj5gklqi= agricultura, dibujo:9bob109yh_i= amistad, dibujo:bkvg2kxnss8= pizza, dibujo:py5rqyzvhce= hamburguesa, dibujo:ycecedclylq= pinocho, dibujo:a8dwhfb4kbm= animado:ui-z3z1htro= tiempo, dibujo:karvhtfobtg= cambio climatico, dibujo:wluzqswawlq= elefantes, dibujo:lrvcz8kwtcg= goku ultra instinto, dibujo:nnkoxbbcuem= imagenes para colorear, dibujo:iubr76ufyes= cameraman, dibujo:lv3hkzwdsia= pescado, dibujo:lh4mxa6gxmq= maiz, dibujo:yuptjj1mn-s= hombre araña, dibujo:fi5qwdxsask= unicornios, dibujo:vzfpfq0yhmw= lol, dibujo:pbbpn68q7b8= animado:moiqkjps64c= grupos de trabajo, dibujo:bl1gvuvjciu= persona, dibujo:nwvevoasdnk= delfin, dibujo:k6w9dpor5dg= baby yoda, dibujo:lni83d91ic8= matematicas, dibujo:vdnsmtj3yrk= el sol, dibujo:vu5d--zatnm= princesas, dibujo:s1eul4b6zwc= transformers, dibujo:p_7ogl-xdc0= cempasúchil, dibujo:hmpfefulz_g= hallacas, dibujo:njndnmqaqvw= telefono, dibujo:u1eeond_ofs= dinosaurio, dibujo:p6fsunne1cc= olaf, dibujo:jvjkkqdebxw= nacimiento navideño, dibujo:g0izkkukqrc= nezuko, dibujo:gbv4w6x9uw8= quimica, dibujo:kw-plg8nffi= capibara, dibujo:fgdiq_xydc0= mapa de mexico, dibujo:fwa5vewwjgy= sistema nervioso central, dibujo:fajje07zu60= oso, dibujo:mvzqycgkryi= jessica rabbit, dibujo:qde-su5lnn0= la sirenita, dibujo:7thza-5uake= tigre, dibujo:3tg97uonql0= sali, dibujo:_a2wsypbwvs= perro, dibujo:7-cqey-safe= conejos, dibujo:aayrdqfr6-0= stich, dibujo:dxee8hni6ua= mapa de america, dibujo:hdthoppp8j0= roblox, dibujo:1culxybbfji= bandera de venezuela, dibujo:nnkoxbbcuem= dibujos para colorear, dibujo:pjwqnsm6uhm= figuras geometricas, dibujo:zkgi7aw_eu4= alebrijes, dibujo:bh2dwmruxqy= arboles de navidad, dibujo:uzlpxrvacta= kukulcan, dibujo:1arvw475jow= mano, dibujo:dcacgevjh0u= etica, dibujo:94zetbprwuu= instrumentos de laboratorio, dibujo:ob7cu-nsmeq= fuego, dibujo:ttognmthr9s= cameraman, dibujo:4zm1isyefp8= ingles, dibujo:d-u7slde3we= corazones, dibujo:f08yuzodbp8= corona, dibujo:5abhc71lqzy= minnie, dibujo:2lrpbrl0zpe= sandia, dibujo:u_-y1uv62ak= mini, dibujo:e_ou5lrtxmg= ganso, dibujo:oxyi-mmpoeq= familia, dibujo:ljmpd6mo_de= balones de futbol, dibujo:6uxhmpu_e9m= muñeco de nieve, dibujo:op38wew6fpg= te amo, dibujo:sy1viqsb4qq= paloma, dibujo:hnudkbw6y9e= stich, dibujo:efwqwmmfnhm= coraline, dibujo:_bwfg1h7gru= corona de adviento, dibujo:nk7tm7rzyka= patricio estrella, dibujo:7pdyvgemyrw= lyna, dibujo:dqqjvixls9s= mapa de la republica mexicana, dibujo:7niz-erg_u4= ciclo del carbono, dibujo:wrzrwiapmnc= el cuerpo humano, dibujo:ntaluyekyuc= imágenes, dibujo:q0fdvkmyzlw= portadas para cuadernos, dibujo:czf2uoi7rn8= spiderman, dibujo:yla1_utwkag= arbolito de navidad, dibujo:mrekdr7dec4= obesidad, dibujo:5thwgpnmdva= quetzal, dibujo:xrkfcyzsxj0= corazon, dibujo:mqn7untx_iq= cuphead, dibujo:kfqj533kpfm= propiedades de la materia, dibujo:wjasqm-p8g4= vaca, dibujo:hpsp67p2q7k= perros, dibujo:zlcz13q5of4= mujer maravilla, dibujo:_jc_9mjwqaa= bob esponja, dibujo:6_nvch8h5f4= teclado, dibujo:u7xiockhmcy= rayo mcqueen, dibujo:bh2dwmruxqy= arbol navideño, dibujo:57x5wgecvqk= fresas, dibujo:k1lz_qgktnw= spiderman, dibujo:hom5fp-5vcs= desierto, dibujo:trs0r303l7q= sol, dibujo:eobiyifdhcw= energia electrica, dibujo:lyo0lrcyhac= introduccion, dibujo:9y18ubguck4= jak, dibujo:fnpc6l9kq1e= stumble guys, dibujo:8qa4hflt1ig= feliz navidad, dibujo:h62tlivj6i8= capitan america, dibujo:jjs9llekuck= peppa pig, dibujo:yz50ztfckda= gato, dibujo:kwautps6bmo= baby yoda, dibujo:fxwr1yvcnna= balon, dibujo:pqzomuewihy= imagenes de amor, dibujo:ybo68go7qc0= baby yoda, dibujo:qenmxp5etke= coliseo romano, dibujo:kmz3jg9mpm8= barbie, dibujo:helwkgt6uuk= cruz, dibujo:p6jdhv7hzk4= basquetbol, dibujo:rxgqvljzblo= harry potter, dibujo:mfb2e8brae8= descubrimiento de america, dibujo:yh8lqtojkcu= campesinos, dibujo:tejp82kkor0= gato, dibujo:gb1rotfew3c= enfermera, dibujo:c4byrxhpxhu= pino de navidad, dibujo:psfemlmtw7i= nezuko, dibujo:ijxqfbdm_y0= jesus, dibujo:q2cxfqcb7jo= hongos, dibujo:u5i7uxf1iqy= arte, dibujo:ga5b-dndqj0= pelota de futbol, dibujo:ebyig2fusde= robot, dibujo:y1pmrqss4_k= pizza, dibujo:rw6xttsat90= stitch rosado, dibujo:ndibbdxzxes= paloma, dibujo:73phmyylc2a= perros, dibujo:weryir0gyvm= rosa, dibujo:7rt1szcv99q= nutricion, dibujo:scdcihh2lxa= columna vertebral, dibujo:tf1ukk5v54s= cartas de navidad, dibujo:6gj8ykhfau8= mario, dibujo:pzq6hft3c7a= selena quintanilla, dibujo:8kyphw74jse= maiz, dibujo:byttod7xoj4= oso, dibujo:euzbv7_5weu= barbie, dibujo:sk8xh2uldzq= hamburguesa, dibujo:lgjttubz0k0= monster, dibujo:aa1fovuwizq= xoloitzcuintle, dibujo:bo3knyk4i3e= cameraman, dibujo:rdahmb0smry= pinocho

80+ Edgy Black Nail Designs Ideas Will Make You Go Crazy 2024

Edgy black nail designs show your love for the grunge genre. But no one will stop you from wearing them even if you aren’t a music lover. Be you. Get these manicures and pedicure show off!

Gothic or not, black is in for all seasons of 2022. It was alive yesterday and it will keep thriving tomorrow.

Haters call it the color of cruelty, vengeance, sorrow, and pain. But for the fans of this color, it looks mysterious and captivating. Don’t forget the sleekness and glam that is at their highest with the black color.

It’s bold and makes the wearer the center of attention.

Just like red, not many people dare to wear this color. And if they do, they try to marginalize its effect with other colors and design components.

Whatever your approach towards black is, we’ve got you covered with these inspirational designs. These edgy black nail designs are awesome and satisfying.

Have a look and choose the best ones for your upcoming manicure.

Read More: 70 Eye Catching Ombre Nail Designs To Give Your Nails A Makeover

1. Matte And Black

Matte And Black

One thing that’s most apparent in the black color is its shine. It shines even when you haven’t glossed it up.

But if you want to mute it down a bit, use matte polish. You can keep this style simple without including other colors if you are bold enough.

2. Matte Black and White

Matte Black and White

If the matte black polish is still too bold for you, you can pair the color with white polish. Keep it plain to make polishing easy for you. And only feature the white paint on the ring finger surrounded by black fingernails.

Instead of a ring finger, you can use any of the index, middle, or pinky fingers to add lightness to the design with white polish.

3. Small and Black

Small and Black

Small nails look just as cute with black polish as long nails. The best thing about them is they don’t need lots of accessories and designs to keep the attention off black color.

So, you can wear pure black polish on these nails. Use a jelly finish or get a matte look with complete confidence.

4. Silver between Black Nails

Silver between Black Nails

This design features a silver glitter accent nail for the middle finger. The ring finger is also accessorized with diamonds.

5. Starry Black

Starry Black

Present the beauty of the night sky on your nails with this starry sky. Simply use a black and white flakie finish nail polish to get the look.

You can also use a pattern to get the small white dots on black nail polish if flakie polish of the desired colors is not available.

6. Or Paint a Cow Print

Paint a Cow Print

Paint black spots in the style of cow print on white paint.

7. Matte with White

Matte with White

This style features the ring finger with white lines that are drawn randomly on a matte finish black polish.

8. Matte with More White

Matte with More White

If lines are not your favorite art component, you can go with curves. The idea is similar to the one we discussed above. Between all-black fingernails, the ring fingernail will get black matte polish with white curves stamped on it.

9. Or a White Stripe

White Stripe

It’s just a stripe painted diagonally across a black nail with a jelly finish.

10. Matte with a White Face

Matte with a White Face

This acrylic nail design paints a female face on the ring finger in white, of course. All other nails feature a pure black matte finish.

11. Emojis


In this design, the ring or middle finger gets an emoji to depict the emotions of the wearer.

These yellow-colored smiley faces add a tinge of brightness to the otherwise gloomy black polish.

12. Emojis in White

Emojis in White

No one said the emojis could only be presented in yellow color. Paint them in white to stick to the black and white theme you have already opted for the event.

Paint these emojis on the ring finger. Or if you are feeling too celebratory, paint them on each fingernail.

13. Mix in Glitter and Sheer

Mix in Glitter and Sheer

This design uses black with a jelly finish on two nails. The other two nails are either painted in glitter finish or sheer polish.

One cute fact about this design is the lack of order in these finishes. You can paint the middle fingers with plain black paint or you can paint the index and pink fingers with this color.

14. Pink and Black

Pink and Black

Mix up black with the color of your dress by keeping it on the ring finger. If you want to design it further, paint a heart, a flower, or a star on it in black.

15. Black and Sheer

Black and Sheer

This design paints black tips on sheer nails. You can go with the French tip style or you can use triangle tips for this design.

16. Black Tips on Nude

Black Tips on Nude

Instead of painting black tips on sheer polish, this design paints them on top of nude color.

17. Black and Nude with a Twist

Black and Nude with a Twist

This is similar to the previous design but with a twist. The black color doesn’t remain restricted to the tips but also goes down on one side of the nail giving an asymmetric beauty to the style.

18. Or Mix Up Red and Black

Mix Up Red and Black

The red and black combo is the most loved classic color combination. Use it to your advantage. Paint black tips on red fingernails.

If you want to increase the area covered by black color, paint a side of the nail black as well.

19. The Silver Lining

The Silver Lining

This line runs from the top of the black nail to the bottom and then keeps going to the other end.

20. Half Nude Nails

Half Nude Nails

The accent nails between black matte polish are painted with a mix of black and nude paints. Paint one side in one shade and the other in the other shade.

21. Paint a Sky on Stiletto Nails

Paint a Sky on Stiletto Nails

Use a matte finish of black then decorate it with different objects from the sky. Draw a crescent, some stars, and a couple of planets.

22. Paint Moon Phases

Paint Moon Phases

The nerd in you is asking for validation. You can offer this validation by paying tribute to some heavenly facts. Present different phases of the moon on different nails against a black background.

23. Moon and Star

Moon and Star

When you love skies and you love every element that goes there, you want to include these shapes in your nail designs as well. Create a theme with moon and stars in the middle fingers surrounded by black matte finish fingernails.

24. Moons and Stars

Moons and Stars

A single moon is not enough? Paint two on top of the black matte finish.

25. More Stars

More Stars

Instead of painting stars on every nail of your hand, just paint a few of them on your ring finger. Pro tip: use a matte finish to start with.

26. Matte with Diamonds

Matte with Diamonds

Accessorize a simple matte finish with diamonds and other accessories. Lace the bottom and either side of your nail with diamonds or rhinestones. Get these accessories in golden to complement the base color.

27. Gold Bottom

Gold Bottom

If golden is the color you want with black nail paint, you can also simply use gold paint to achieve the look.

28. Black with Nude

Black with Nude

Lighten up the mood by combining black with nude shades. This design only paints the bottom half of the nail in a nude shade. The top half together with the tip is painted in matte black polish.

29. Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang

Get this theme from Chinese philosophy painted on your middle fingers. Paint one of the index and pinky fingers white and the other in black color.

30. Gold Flames

Gold Flames

This design combines black with its sizzling hot companion – gold. And it does so in the hottest way possible – drawing golden flames on top of black matte polish.

You can either paint the flames golden or you can only use this color for outlining the flames.

31. White or Red Flames

White or Red Flames

You can also choose to paint the fire in white color. If your choice of outfit allows it, red flames will give a bolder and fiercer look.

32. Black Fire

Black Fire

Simply, top off the black matte polish with black flames with a jelly finish.

33. More Black Fire

More Black Fire

This design paints black flames on top of nude paint. You can complete the design by painting white flames on the other hand.

34. Black Flames on Stiletto

Black Flames on Stiletto

These flames will go on the accent nails and bring a gothic charm to your manicure.

35. If the Gothic Scene is On

Gothic Scene is On

Black is the most gothic color. Do you dare to disagree? Get your gothic style complete with all the elements of this season.

This acrylic nail design mixes nude and white colors with black to paint stars, black cats, ghosts, and the moon.

36. Heart Tips on Nude

Heart Tips on Nude

Nude is a common shade that goes well with black polish. These nails with nude polish are topped off with heart-shaped black tips.

37. The Black Cat

The Black Cat

You can include a touch of gothic fashion in the design highlighted above by replacing one of these hearts with a black cat.

38. Feature Eyes

Feature Eyes

This gothic, yet colorful idea paints eyes of different colors on different fingernails. The background, of course, is black.

39. Marble Nails

Marble Nails

Create a marble pattern with a strong black appearance with occasional white highlights. You can use a toothpick to create the design or you can get acrylic nails with this design to save the hassle.

40. Black and White Stripes

Black and White Stripes

This horizontal pattern on your nails will look simple and attractive.

41. Happy and Sad

Happy and Sad

This gothic design will paint happy smiles in black against white paint and sad smiles in white against the black paint.

42. Split Tips

Split Tips

This simple and elegant nail design paints white color on one half of the nail and black polish on the other half. The bottom is painted nude with black and white dots running vertically.

43. Black Paint with White Glitter

Black Paint with White Glitter

Use white glitter and black paint on alternate nails.

44. Mix Up Classic Colors

Mix Up Classic Colors

If you are not interested in drawing difficult patterns, you will love this design that uses different colors on different nails. Use your collection of classic red, black, and white paints.

45. The Red Smiley Face

The Red Smiley Face

This face is sad, utterly. You can tell by its color. By the way, only the index finger shows this face. All other nails are painted black.

46. Skull and Crossbones

Skull and Crossbones

This is another design that will come in handy during the Halloween season. Paint this icon on the ring finger or middle finger as you wish.

47. Geometric and Marble

Geometric and Marble

The bottoms of these nails are painted in a nude shade separated by a black line from the other part of the nail which is painted black.

The ring finger is an exception. It uses the separator line at the bottom but it doesn’t use black or nude paints.

Instead, it paints a marble pattern between black and white with white being the dominant color.

48. WTF Accent Nails

WTF Accent Nails

The slogan is painted in black color on top of a nude shade.

49. Pink and Black, Again

Pink and Black, Again

Pink is the major color here with black lines completing the look on the pinky and middle finger matte finish.

The ring finger is coated in pink glitter. And only the index finger gets a black matte coat.

50. Leopard Print

Leopard Print

The ring finger is beautified with a leopard print in red color. Then the black matte polish on other nails is complete with big, square rhinestones in golden color.

51. Stiletto Nails with Palm Trees

Stiletto Nails with Palm Trees

Between pink and black alternating nails, this design features a single palm tree on the ring finger nail.

52. Switch between Matte and Jelly Finish

Switch between Matte and Jelly Finish

For those of you who are bold enough to embrace black color without mixing other colors, this design is great.

It features matte finish black paint in the middle of jelly finish polish on index and pinky fingers.

53. Plaid with Gray

Plaid with Gray

That’s the pattern on only one finger. You get matte black polish for the other and glitter for another.

54. Black and Red Dual-Chrome

Black and Red Dual-Chrome

If you don’t want to spend hours doing your nails, just get dual chrome polish with black and red shades and paint your nails with it.

Or you can go with a flakie finish polish with these two colors.

55. Mix Up the Styles

Mix Up the Styles

This design mixes up different styles. Start with the dual-chrome polish of red and black for the pinky finger. On the matte finish of the ring finger paint a white moon.

Then, paint your middle finger with silver glitter. On the matte finish of the index finger use nail art accessories to separate the right from the left part of the nail. The thumb will feature red matte polish.

56. Black Accent Nails

Black Accent Nails

For this design, only the middle and ring fingers are painted in black matte polish. All other nails get a white jelly finish.

These acrylic nails are bejeweled with other accessories like rhinestones, a 3D flower, and diamonds.

57. Lace Nails

Lace Nails

Use a floral stamping plate to make lace nails with different shades of black.

58. Black and White Stiletto

Black and White Stiletto

This acrylic nail design uses 3D nail art to give a creamy look to the pinky fingernail. Other nails receive a pure black matte finish, white jelly finish, and a mix of nude, white, and black colors.

These nails are then accessorized with rhinestones to make different patterns.

59. Line Design for Gray Nails

Line Design for Gray Nails

This design alternates between black nails and gray nails with a black line design. You can also include glitter paint between these alternating nails.

60. Square Matte Nails with Silver Patches

Square Matte Nails with Silver Patches

You can choose to paint only the bottom of the accent nail in silver or you can go with painting the whole accent nail in silver with a black matte line running in the middle horizontally. Or you can use both styles on different fingers.

61. Golden with Pattern

Golden with Pattern

Invite glamor to your style with this matte black polish with a golden accent nail. The accent nail is stamped with a curvy pattern in black.

62. A Yellow Butterfly

A Yellow Butterfly

Decorate the accent nail with a yellow butterfly.

63. Blue and Black Duochrome Nails

Blue and Black Duochrome Nails

This design is simple but erotic.

64. Red and Black Check Pattern

Red and Black Check Pattern

You want to embrace the classic color combo but don’t feel as bold! Use a check pattern to make it low-key.

65. Black and Yellow

Black and Yellow

Mix up two bold colors and wear your style!

66. The Dripping Orange

The Dripping Orange

If orange is not your new black, couple it with black to show the difference.

67. Black and Green

Black and Green

Pair your favorite colors with a perfect duo-chrome polish that also comes with a glitter finish.

68. The Leave Pattern

Jelly Finish Tips

Gray is one of the mutest colors that can go well with black. Breathe some life into it with a leave pattern on the accent nail.

69. Black and Sheer

Black and Sheer

This unique design paints the nails in black polish except for the tips. These tips go with sheer paint.

70. Black with Burgundy

Black with Burgundy

Burgundy is one of the warmest you get on your nails. Pair it with black to balance out the temperature.

71. A White Feather

A White Feather

This matte design is completed with a white feather on the accent nail.

72. French Tips with Glitter

French Tips with Glitter

The Jelly finish of black nails is completed with silver glitter for French tips.

73. See-Through Black Nails

See-Through Black Nails

The matte polish is applied thinly to produce a see-through look. Complete it with patterns of your choice.

74. Gift Pack Accent Nail

Gift Pack Accent Nail

This one uses a gift box pattern on the accent nail complete with a bow between black nails with a jelly finish.

75. Jelly Finish Tips

Jelly Finish Tips

Do you want a unique style – one that mixes black with black but keeps them separate?

Paint black jelly finish tips on matte finish black nails.

76. Polka Dots

Polka Dots

These dots are jelly finish for black polish on top of a matte finish of a similar shade of black. Intrigued?

77. Red and Black Ombre

Red and Black Ombre

Get the most classic look with a modern twist.

78. Bubble Tips

Bubble Tips

Polka dots wouldn’t do justice to a dark shade like black. But you can still include circles.

These silver bubbles vary in size and cover the tip of your nails.

79. Swirls of Black and White

Swirls of Black and White

Be random. Be bold with this style.

80. Zebra Nails

Zebra Nails

The best thing is that you aren’t overdoing anything with this design. Wear it to your office or a formal meeting without a second thought.

81. Matte Black with rhinestone

Matte Black with rhinestone

82. Matte Black Snake

Matte Black Snake

83. Matte Black Leafy Nails

Matte Black Leafy Nails

Take Away

Are you looking for some edgy black nail designs? They aren’t for the Halloween season only. And they’re certainly not reserved for grunge fans.

If you are in the mood to wear black, complete your look with these 87 styles. These include some easiest styles as well as acrylic nails to wear without much work.

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