relevant = dibujo:ctmrbjnu_dg= masha y el oso, dibujo:9we2eo7-rpw= revolucion mexicana, dibujo:g20afn-j-8g= baby shark, dibujo:bh2dwmruxqy= árbol de navidad, dibujo:0rnracgzi4o= independencia de mexico, dibujo:c20vbchtspq= jack skellington, dibujo:h2y4_oymok0= hello kitty, dibujo:crelzopgj1y= reyes magos, dibujo:tp_nj5gklqi= agricultura, dibujo:9bob109yh_i= amistad, dibujo:bkvg2kxnss8= pizza, dibujo:py5rqyzvhce= hamburguesa, dibujo:ycecedclylq= pinocho, dibujo:a8dwhfb4kbm= animado:ui-z3z1htro= tiempo, dibujo:karvhtfobtg= cambio climatico, dibujo:wluzqswawlq= elefantes, dibujo:lrvcz8kwtcg= goku ultra instinto, dibujo:nnkoxbbcuem= imagenes para colorear, dibujo:iubr76ufyes= cameraman, dibujo:lv3hkzwdsia= pescado, dibujo:lh4mxa6gxmq= maiz, dibujo:yuptjj1mn-s= hombre araña, dibujo:fi5qwdxsask= unicornios, dibujo:vzfpfq0yhmw= lol, dibujo:pbbpn68q7b8= animado:moiqkjps64c= grupos de trabajo, dibujo:bl1gvuvjciu= persona, dibujo:nwvevoasdnk= delfin, dibujo:k6w9dpor5dg= baby yoda, dibujo:lni83d91ic8= matematicas, dibujo:vdnsmtj3yrk= el sol, dibujo:vu5d--zatnm= princesas, dibujo:s1eul4b6zwc= transformers, dibujo:p_7ogl-xdc0= cempasúchil, dibujo:hmpfefulz_g= hallacas, dibujo:njndnmqaqvw= telefono, dibujo:u1eeond_ofs= dinosaurio, dibujo:p6fsunne1cc= olaf, dibujo:jvjkkqdebxw= nacimiento navideño, dibujo:g0izkkukqrc= nezuko, dibujo:gbv4w6x9uw8= quimica, dibujo:kw-plg8nffi= capibara, dibujo:fgdiq_xydc0= mapa de mexico, dibujo:fwa5vewwjgy= sistema nervioso central, dibujo:fajje07zu60= oso, dibujo:mvzqycgkryi= jessica rabbit, dibujo:qde-su5lnn0= la sirenita, dibujo:7thza-5uake= tigre, dibujo:3tg97uonql0= sali, dibujo:_a2wsypbwvs= perro, dibujo:7-cqey-safe= conejos, dibujo:aayrdqfr6-0= stich, dibujo:dxee8hni6ua= mapa de america, dibujo:hdthoppp8j0= roblox, dibujo:1culxybbfji= bandera de venezuela, dibujo:nnkoxbbcuem= dibujos para colorear, dibujo:pjwqnsm6uhm= figuras geometricas, dibujo:zkgi7aw_eu4= alebrijes, dibujo:bh2dwmruxqy= arboles de navidad, dibujo:uzlpxrvacta= kukulcan, dibujo:1arvw475jow= mano, dibujo:dcacgevjh0u= etica, dibujo:94zetbprwuu= instrumentos de laboratorio, dibujo:ob7cu-nsmeq= fuego, dibujo:ttognmthr9s= cameraman, dibujo:4zm1isyefp8= ingles, dibujo:d-u7slde3we= corazones, dibujo:f08yuzodbp8= corona, dibujo:5abhc71lqzy= minnie, dibujo:2lrpbrl0zpe= sandia, dibujo:u_-y1uv62ak= mini, dibujo:e_ou5lrtxmg= ganso, dibujo:oxyi-mmpoeq= familia, dibujo:ljmpd6mo_de= balones de futbol, dibujo:6uxhmpu_e9m= muñeco de nieve, dibujo:op38wew6fpg= te amo, dibujo:sy1viqsb4qq= paloma, dibujo:hnudkbw6y9e= stich, dibujo:efwqwmmfnhm= coraline, dibujo:_bwfg1h7gru= corona de adviento, dibujo:nk7tm7rzyka= patricio estrella, dibujo:7pdyvgemyrw= lyna, dibujo:dqqjvixls9s= mapa de la republica mexicana, dibujo:7niz-erg_u4= ciclo del carbono, dibujo:wrzrwiapmnc= el cuerpo humano, dibujo:ntaluyekyuc= imágenes, dibujo:q0fdvkmyzlw= portadas para cuadernos, dibujo:czf2uoi7rn8= spiderman, dibujo:yla1_utwkag= arbolito de navidad, dibujo:mrekdr7dec4= obesidad, dibujo:5thwgpnmdva= quetzal, dibujo:xrkfcyzsxj0= corazon, dibujo:mqn7untx_iq= cuphead, dibujo:kfqj533kpfm= propiedades de la materia, dibujo:wjasqm-p8g4= vaca, dibujo:hpsp67p2q7k= perros, dibujo:zlcz13q5of4= mujer maravilla, dibujo:_jc_9mjwqaa= bob esponja, dibujo:6_nvch8h5f4= teclado, dibujo:u7xiockhmcy= rayo mcqueen, dibujo:bh2dwmruxqy= arbol navideño, dibujo:57x5wgecvqk= fresas, dibujo:k1lz_qgktnw= spiderman, dibujo:hom5fp-5vcs= desierto, dibujo:trs0r303l7q= sol, dibujo:eobiyifdhcw= energia electrica, dibujo:lyo0lrcyhac= introduccion, dibujo:9y18ubguck4= jak, dibujo:fnpc6l9kq1e= stumble guys, dibujo:8qa4hflt1ig= feliz navidad, dibujo:h62tlivj6i8= capitan america, dibujo:jjs9llekuck= peppa pig, dibujo:yz50ztfckda= gato, dibujo:kwautps6bmo= baby yoda, dibujo:fxwr1yvcnna= balon, dibujo:pqzomuewihy= imagenes de amor, dibujo:ybo68go7qc0= baby yoda, dibujo:qenmxp5etke= coliseo romano, dibujo:kmz3jg9mpm8= barbie, dibujo:helwkgt6uuk= cruz, dibujo:p6jdhv7hzk4= basquetbol, dibujo:rxgqvljzblo= harry potter, dibujo:mfb2e8brae8= descubrimiento de america, dibujo:yh8lqtojkcu= campesinos, dibujo:tejp82kkor0= gato, dibujo:gb1rotfew3c= enfermera, dibujo:c4byrxhpxhu= pino de navidad, dibujo:psfemlmtw7i= nezuko, dibujo:ijxqfbdm_y0= jesus, dibujo:q2cxfqcb7jo= hongos, dibujo:u5i7uxf1iqy= arte, dibujo:ga5b-dndqj0= pelota de futbol, dibujo:ebyig2fusde= robot, dibujo:y1pmrqss4_k= pizza, dibujo:rw6xttsat90= stitch rosado, dibujo:ndibbdxzxes= paloma, dibujo:73phmyylc2a= perros, dibujo:weryir0gyvm= rosa, dibujo:7rt1szcv99q= nutricion, dibujo:scdcihh2lxa= columna vertebral, dibujo:tf1ukk5v54s= cartas de navidad, dibujo:6gj8ykhfau8= mario, dibujo:pzq6hft3c7a= selena quintanilla, dibujo:8kyphw74jse= maiz, dibujo:byttod7xoj4= oso, dibujo:euzbv7_5weu= barbie, dibujo:sk8xh2uldzq= hamburguesa, dibujo:lgjttubz0k0= monster, dibujo:aa1fovuwizq= xoloitzcuintle, dibujo:bo3knyk4i3e= cameraman, dibujo:rdahmb0smry= pinocho

26 Cute Poodle Haircuts For Dog Lovers (2024 Hairstyles)

Are you a poodle lover searching for the perfect haircut for your furry friend? Look no further! This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide to different poodle haircuts. From the classic continental cut to the trendy urban cut, we’ve got you covered.

Read on to discover the best poodle haircuts and why they’re perfect for your furry friend. Short answer: Get ready to become a poodle styling pro!


Q: What is a Poodle Haircut?

A: A poodle haircut is a specific grooming style for poodles that involves clipping the hair in certain areas and leaving it longer in others to create various shapes and styles.

Q: What is the Best Haircut for a Poodle?

A: The best haircut for a poodle depends on the owner’s preference, but the Continental Cut is a popular choice for show dogs, while the Puppy Cut is a popular choice for pets.

Q: What is the Easiest Poodle Cut to Maintain?

A: The easiest poodle cut to maintain is the Puppy Cut, which is a short, all-over clip that requires minimal grooming.

Q: What is a Traditional Poodle Cut for?

A: A traditional poodle cut is used for show dogs and involves specific grooming styles, such as the Continental Cut, to emphasize the poodle’s regal appearance and elegance.

Here You Go With Best Poodle Haircuts

1. The Poodle’s Winter Coat

The Poodle's Winter Coat

The Poodle has good hair growth, but sometimes their hair growth reduces. They find it difficult to tolerate winters because their hair does not re-grow after a summer haircut.

In this situation, some pet owners look for a poodle coat in winter to give their pets warmth and insulation. Various Poodle’s coats can be of wool, linen, cotton or many other fibres. They look super cute and provide a great deal to keep your pets warm and calm. Along with coats or sweaters, there are also little Poodle’s caps to cover their heads and ears.

2. The Poodle’s Summer Haircut

The Poodle's Summer Haircut

This might be confusing for some people whether they should give a summer haircut to their poodle or not. As poodle breed already has a single layer of hair that is not very dense to trim. Summer haircuts, however, keep the hair length within half an inch.

So on hot summer days, giving a summer cut to your poodle actually relax and give some extra luxuries to your pets. To maintain the sleek and comfortable look of your poodle’s summer cut, it’s important to regularly use a brush poodle for its short hair and remove any tangles or mats. It also lets you enjoy that your poodle has a summer haircut that looks cool and comfortable. The summer haircut for poodles has short hair throughout his body.

3. The Poodle’s Lion Cut

The Poodle's Lion Cut

The most elegant hairstyle for poodles is the lion cut. Don’t be afraid with the time it takes. It is that haircut that should try to make your poodle super cute and lovely. It will completely transform your poodle’s look and make everyone crazy in love with your pet.

Lion cut hairstyles can be seen in dog shows and dog competitions. In this hairstyle style, you can see the dog’s limbs are hairless, whereas right above the paws, there are hairballs. However, almost the front entire portion and the tail is fully covered with silky smooth hair.

4. The Poodle’s Feathered Haircut

The Poodle's Feathered Haircut

This poodle’s hairstyle is probably one of the most fashionable and sophisticated out of all the styles. You can give your poodle this fluffier or feathered look by making their hair look curly and short. However, it would be best if you asked a special dog hairstylist to help you.

Feathered hairstyle for poodles should have all the body hair of equal but short lengthed. Moreover, the hair length should not be less than half an inch. With feathered hairstyles, most poodles look like teddy bears, making them very cute and lovable. Try it at least once!

5. The Poodle’s Topknots

The Poodle's Topknots

Top knots for poodles are the trendy styles of 2024. Give your poodle two side ponytails or top knots. You can give this cut to your female poodle to make them look girly, cute and affectionate.

Basically, these top knots are not the hairstyle. It is the haircut that looks like that poodle has two two side ponytails. Their head will look like having two ponytails with long hairy ears that you can accessorize with coloured ribbons and bands.

6. The Plush Toy Poodle Cuts

The Plush Toy Poodle Cuts

Plush toys are soft and stuffed animal toys. Giving your poodle a plush toy haircut will make it look like a little hairy bear. This type of hair cuts is loved by little boys who are plush toy lovers.

Poodles have soft hair and are easy to dress up as plush toys. Ensure that all hair on your pet’s body is about the same length but not more than one or one and a half inches. With just this, you’re all done!

7. Poodle’s Long Royal Tail

Poodle's Long Royal Tail

There is something special about how a poodle’s tail looks. To improve the appearance of your pet’s tail, the hair must be very long. The long hair of tails will allow you to have countless options for styling your poodle’s tail.

To give a more attractive look to your pet can be achieved by making the tail hair long and body hair small. As a result, your pet will be more attractive from this asymmetric look. However, you can also go for other long tails styling options.

8. Poodle’s Lion’s Mane Cut

Poodle's Lion's Mane Cut

The lion is a sign and symbol of courage and bravery. Giving your poodle a lion’s mane haircut is a good idea. It is one of the most authentic haircut for poodles that can make them to look unique.

Poodle haircuts can also be creatively approached by creating a mane. The dog’s mane will need to be shaped by a professional groomer so that the hair grows about three inches long. Then he will make up the hair to give the shape of a lion’s mane to your pet.

9. The Poodle’s Curly Hairs

The Poodle's Curly Hairs

The curly hair on Poodles looks fantastic and super cute. Curly hair is almost universal among purebred poodles. As a puppy, a poodle has straight hair that develops into curls after three years of maturity. Curly hair always needs long hair to make beautiful spirals.

You can also make your poodle’s straight hair to curly. It is easy and simple. Do not comb their hair after bathing them, as their hair will become curly after drying. One important thing to consider is not to cut your poodle’s hair short if you want to make their hair look curly.

10. Poodle’s Styled Face Haircut

Poodle's Styled Face Haircut

You can make countless styles by trying different haircuts on poodles’ faces. Giving your pet a poodle-styled haircut is the most fancy poodle way to give them a handsome look. You don’t need to be a professional to do it, as it is not so difficult.

Make a sharp contrast between the hair on the face and the hair on the body. In a very neat and decent manner, you can style the face hair shortly trimmed with long hair of ears. Moreover, you can also try the opposite scenario by giving the face and body hair short with long ear hairs.

11. The Poodle Puppy Cut

The Poodle Puppy Cut

Poodle owners also choose this cut as a popular choice. This haircut typically has a hair length of about 1 to 2 inches throughout. Besides looking good and heavy, it is also highly adjustable.

All you have to do to give this haircut to your poodle is to make the face hair shorter than the body’s hair. Usually, this cut is puppies signature haircut, so your poodle will also look like a cute small puppy. It would be wise for you to have a professional to adjust your poodle’s hair accordingly.

12. The Poodle’s Hairy Paws

The Poodle's Hairy Paws

When was the last time you saw a poodle with short trimmed body hair and fluffy paws? Yes, it looked absolutely unique and beautiful. Do you want a try this?

For giving your poodle hairy paws, all you need is to grow the paws hair long. After this, nicely and neatly trim the paws hair to make the round look. Also, trim the body hair but short to make paws hair more prominent. With short body hair, you can contrast the ear hair long and fluffy. Let your poodle relish its new hairstyle.

13. Poodle’s Half Hairy Cut

Poodle's Half Hairy Cut

The half hairy and half trimmed body is something extraordinarily unique and striking poodle hair cut. It is hard to saw such pets with this haircut as it is somehow tricky to achieve.

In this hair cut, the half body of the poodle is covered with heavy long hair that gives a fluffy look; however, the back hair and limbs are completely trimmed. You can make the tail and lower portion of the legs look fluffy by not trimming the hair of that portions. Always hire a professional to give your pet a beautiful and neat half hairy poodle cut.

14. Poodle’s Princess Haircut Style

Poodle's Princess Haircut Style

The princess cut is an excellent choice for female poodle owners who wants a cute and manageable haircut. This style will give your dog a more feminine look with sidelong ear hair.

In a simple princess haircut, the top front portion, i.e. head and ear, are left long enough to give the illusion of a human hairstyle. To make the tail look more interesting, you can also leave some hair at the end of the tale to look fuzzy. However, you can leave the body hair short and curly.

15. Poodle’s Even Classy Haircut

Poodle's Even Classy Haircut

Are you looking for a simple yet classy poodle haircut and are not finding any satisfied one? Here is the most simple poodle cut out of all the haircuts.

All you have to do is to trim all the body hair short. The trimming of hair should be done evenly. In contrast, the ear hair should be left long and fluffy. This will make the ear look centre of attraction point, and the body looks plain and classy. The body hair length can vary from one to two inches, whereas the ear hair can be three to four inches.

16. Poodle with A Mohawk Haircut

Poodle with A Mohawk Haircut

If you want to give your poodle a masculine look, you can give it a Mohawk haircut. A tiny Mohawk can run from the spine down to the collar. Somehow this Mohawk also gives a robust look to your poodle.

17. Poodle’s Long Hairy Ears

Poodle's Long Hairy Ears

The ears of poodles can be styled differently to make them look more unique and attractive. Here is another different haircut for your poodle pet. You can easily achieve this wonderful haircut and must try it at least once.

All you need is to grow your poodles’ hair of ear portion long. Keep the other body hair short so that they can make a clear difference and asymmetrical look. You can style the hair straight long, or straight curl, completely upto your choice. Moreover, keep the hair look clean and groomed.

18. Teddy Bear Poodle Cut

Teddy Bear Poodle Cut

Want to make your poodle look like a teddy bear? Yes! That’s an excellent choice for sure. All you have to do is let the hair of your poodle grow to more than two inches.

Now its a time to slightly trimming them. Trim the body hair to give a more neat and clean look. However, try to keep the legs hair somehow a little longer than the body. The longer legs hair will give your poodle a bear-like appearance. The tail and top head hair should also be long and fluffy.

19. Poodle’s Hairy Body

Poodle's Hairy Body

Poodles with hairy bodies make your pet look more lovable and trustworthy. Your pet will feel your love and affection as you pass your fingers through their long body hair.

The poodle’s hairy body style needs to grow the ear and body hair long enough. They should be more than two and a half inches. However, you can keep the face hair short. You can easily trim the facial hair to half an inch. Let’s grow your poodle pet’s hair for a lovely little look.

20. Poodle’s Round Hairy Nose

Poodle's Round Hairy Nose

The round hairy nose is one of the most cutest poodle haircuts. In this haircut, the hair on the side of the nose is trimmed in a round circular form. It gives a cupcake a look and looks super cute on baby poodles pets.

With a round hairy nose, you can go with a shortly trimmed body and full fluffy ear. Just try to make a strong contrasting look, and here your pet is good to go with a unique look.

21. Poodle’s Hairy Legs

Poodle's Hairy Legs

You can give many beautiful haircuts by changing and trimming the hair length of your poodle. The long hairy, and fluffy legs of poodles look too cute.

For making hairy legs, just let the hair grow to about two to three inches long. Now cut the body hair short and let the hair of legs long. It will look as if your poodle is wearing fluffy pants. The ears should also be kept long to give the pet a more appealing look.

22. Poodle’s Naked Neck

Poodle's Naked Neck

In this haircut style, you have to trim the long hair of your poodle from the neck. The neck portion is usually left hairless and the face too. In contrast, the body and tale are fully covered with long fluffy hair.

The hairless portion of the poodle has the highest allergy risk since its skin is sensitive. Due to this, you must provide special attention and care to your pet. However, it’s the best idea to leave some short hair on the neck portion of your pet.

23. Poodle’s Dreadlocks Hair

Poodle's Dreadlocks Hair

Dreadlocks are a unique grooming style for Poodles, giving them a distinctive and stylish look. To achieve this, the Poodle’s coat is allowed to naturally mat and form cords, similar to the dreadlocks in human hair. However, this grooming style requires careful maintenance to prevent the cords from becoming too heavy or uncomfortable for the dog. Regular grooming and care are essential to keep the cords clean and healthy.

24. Bob Style Poodle Cut

Bob Style Poodle Cut

The Bob cut is a cute and playful cut that highlights the Poodle’s adorable features. This cut features a short, clipped body, with longer hair left on the legs and a full pompom at the end of the tail. The topknot is styled into a round, fluffy shape, resembling a bob haircut.

25. Fifth Avenue Poodle Cut

Fifth Avenue Poodle Cut

The Fifth Avenue cut is a glamorous and sophisticated style that is perfect for Poodles with a refined taste. This cut features a short, clipped body, with longer hair left on the legs and a full pompom at the end of the tail. The topknot is styled into a high, elegant shape, reflecting the Poodle’s Fifth Avenue lifestyle.

26. Poodle Jacket and Pants Cut

Poodle Jacket and Pants Cut

The Jacket and Pants cut is a unique and fun style that transforms the Poodle’s coat into a jacket and pants. This cut features a short, clipped body, with longer hair left on the legs and a full pompom at the end of the tail. The topknot is styled into a fluffy.

Final Words

The idea of trying different haircuts is good for poodle grooming. It helps in a way to come up with the most loveable poodle haircuts. But always consider the climate and temperature before considering any poodle haircut.

Additionally, It is always advised to go with long haircuts in winters and short haircuts in summers. All the poodle haircuts mentioned above are super cool and unique, and your poodle will surely enjoy them. You can also combine two poodle haircuts and make one new look out of them. If you give them to your poodle correctly, the results will be good.

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